Why did you hurt me? WHY? |
Yes, that is correct. You read it correctly. Good for you. So can you relate? Do you know how it feels to have your own mother try to suffocate you with a pillow? If you do, then you understand the pain I feel, the emptiness I feel, the longing for a Mother’s love. It never goes away…that dream of feeling a gentle touch, a caring touch, a touch that does not cause pain. I would give anything to be able to go back and make it all different. But, instead I will continue to bleed for you Mother Dear. I will continue to suffer at your hands. I will honor and obey you in spite of your evil. Why can’t you just leave me alone and get out of my head. Go away. Leave me alone. I want to be free. I want to be liberated from your prison. Haven’t you kept me in your shackles long enough? When will you ever be satisfied? I know…when I finally sacrifice my life for you…but, haven’t I already done that?
hurt japanese-buddhism com karma
I am sorry for your pain. Safe hugs.